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Principles of e-commerce delivery prices

Neue KEP Studie in der BdKEP Studien Sammlung

The European Commission has set high ambitions for a Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe, which includes ambitions for a wellfunctioning e-commerce market. E-commerce markets will only prosper, if e-retailers have access to good delivery services. It is therefore natural that European policy makers are interested in the development of the market for e-commerce delivery.

The European Commission has announced that it will launch measures in the first half of 2016 to improve price transparency and enhance regulatory oversight of cross-border parcel delivery.

Against this background, PostEurop has asked Copenhagen Economics to investigate the current state of European cross-border e-commerce and parcel delivery sectors, with a focus on the factors determining parcel delivery prices faced by e-shoppers when buying online. The purpose is to provide a good knowledge base for policy makers when they decide on initiatives on the parcel delivery markets.

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